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Black Book

COVID-19 Market Insights

Black Book recently published an update to their weekly COVID-19 Market Updates.

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Black Book Used Vehicle Retention Index Increases 3.0 Points in August

The August index hit a new all-time high, now the highest it’s been since May 2014.

COVID-19 Market Updates

Black Book published new insights to their weekly COVID-19 Market Updates, including wholesale prices, retail listing prices, overall wholesale sold volume, used retail listing volume, and BEV sales outlook.

Black Book Integrates with One Auction View: New Centralized Auction Management Software

New solutions allows dealers to view their wholesale auctions in a simplified view.

COVID-19 Market Update

Black Book recently published new data to their weekly COVID-19 Market Updates, including wholesale prices, retail listing prices, wholesale sold volume, used retail listing volume, and BEV sales outlook.

COVID-19 Market Insights

Black Book recently published an update to their weekly COVID-19 Market Updates, including wholesale prices, retail listing prices, wholesale sold volume, and used retail listing volume.

COVID-19 Market Update

Black Book recently published an update to their COVID-19 Market Updates, including BEV sales, wholesale prices, retail listing prices, wholesale volume, used retail listing volume, and new vehicle sales.

COVID-19 Market Updates

Black Book recently published an update to their COVID-19 Market Updates, which includes these highlights from the last week: wholesale prices, retail listing prices, overall wholesale prices, seasonally adjusted retention index, wholesale volume, and used retail listing volume.

COVID-19 Markets Updates

Black Book recently published an update to their COVID-19 Markets Updates, which includes these highlights from the last week: wholesale prices, retail listing prices, wholesale sales volume, and automotive loans.

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Black Book: COVID-19 Markets Updates

Black Book's latest COVID-19 Market Update includes: current wholesale prices & price trends, used wholesale price trends & projections, a look at the retail vertical, new vehicle sales outlook, and used vehicle supply projections.

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